Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Cranio-Facial Infant Viewer- GUI

Help Files Part-1 (Step1-3) & Part-3 (Step 4-6)
1.0 User can follow the order to set isovalues:Skin Level,Bone Level,Skin Transparency then Press Apply
2.0 User can interact with ANIM button it'll create *.TIFF files for various iso values in 360 degree view takes time.
3.0 User can interact with VRML button it'll create *.wrl files using INDEXFACESET geometry.
4.0 User can follow Step1 and adjust the Sample distance and select MIP or Composite then Press Apply
5.0 User can follow Step 4 and adjust the Sample distance then select Linear or Nearest Neighbour then Press Apply
6.0 User can Press the TIFF button and can capture the current status of the image from the rendering window



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